
Nursing Research

Nursing research team

Nursing Research Unit is a team of nurses who drives evidence-based research and interdisciplinary research studies to improve patient outcomes. We aim to develop a research-based culture where nurses consistently incorporate research-based evidence into decision making and daily nursing practices to achieve high quality of care for our patients.

Our research focus includes the following 3 major themes:

  • Chronic and long-term care: Promoting quality of life, health promotion and active ageing
  • Patient safety and quality of care: Enhance safety and quality of care, building nursing workforce competency
  • Nursing education: Enhance the clinical nursing practicum, promote effective nursing education

Nursing Research Unit aims to foster a sustainable research culture to achieve excellence in nursing clinical practice, education and leadership.

We build nursing research capacity by developing and nurturing nursing researchers through:

  • promoting nursing research interest and activities
  • providing infrastructure and resources to support nursing and interdisciplinary research
  • partnering with academic / other healthcare institutions for research training and for collaborative studies
  • Encourage and facilitate evidence-based practice and research learning and development
  • Provide peer support, advice and mentorship to fellow colleagues in research studies
  • Monitor progress of research studies
  • Translate research into practice and develop/update hospital protocols
  • Provide infrastructure and resources to support nursing and interdisciplinary research
  • Support research liaison activities with other departments and institutions
  • Develop evidence-based nursing protocol
  • Facilitate research-related events
Learning Activities

If you are interested in conducting nursing research and evidenced based nursing activities, please contact us via
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 6602 3985

We welcome any requests for collaborative research projects.