Community Resources

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Share a Pot Share a Pot

Memories of family get-togethers around a steaming pot of soup. That’s how the idea for Share a Pot® came about. Since it started in 2014, there are now over 30 Share a Pot venues across Singapore.

Share a Pot brings together community partners, supporters and volunteers to encourage the elderly to exercise regularly, eat nutritious food and build strong bonds of friendship. The aim is to help our seniors improve their well-being with better nutrition, and by staying active and engaged in the community.

For a year, I did not get to go out as I was sick and had a fall. After coming here to exercise, I have become healthier. I was able to make friends and talk to them too!

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Share a Pot run?

Volunteers help to register participants, do simple health checks, lead exercises and of course, cook the soups. Depending on the interests and needs of the seniors, they may also tweak the programme and activities.

How often is Share a Pot held?

Share a Pot is held once during the week at various locations.

Where are the Share a Pot locations?

Share a Pot is held at various community spaces throughout the week.