Events Gallery

Since 2008, our faculty members have conducted at least 20 point of care ultrasound courses together, organized by the A&E at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (and previously at Alexandra Hospital). It has been a very exciting and rewarding journey, as we collaborated closely and share our ideas, skills and expertise freely with one another. We cherish our friendships that have been made over the years.

We would also like to thank you, our previous course participants, who have been through our courses. We have the privilege of sharing the utility of point of care ultrasound with more than 500 of you by now. You have come from various disciplines, specialities and at various stages of your training and career. It is your curiosity, enthusiasm and eagerness to learn that have inspired us to teach, and to take the extra step during the courses.

With the founding of AACES, we look forward to organize and conduct high quality point of care ultrasound courses, in terms of content and delivery. We hope that our pariticpants will recognize the utility and role of point of care ultrasound, learn it well, and be able to use it in the appropriate clinical context. Indeed, better sound, better care.