About Us

AACES was formed on the 1st of July 2014, and its website launched on the 1st of January 2015.

We started as a group of physicians interested in point of care ultrasound in Alexandra Hospital. In Feb 2008, Dr Francis Lee brought into Singapore the WINFOCUS basic ultrasound life support course, which became one of the first WINFOCUS course conducted in Asia.

Since then, we have successfully organized and conducted at least 20 point of care ultrasound courses in Singapore. With succint lectures and a focus on hands-on training, these courses have been very well received, both in the country and the region. ​​​​​​​​​

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Point of Care Ultrasound

We see point of care ultrasound as a procedural skill that yields the fruits of a focused point of care test. The Procedure is this: image acquisition and optimization; and the POCT: asking a focused question, getting a focused answer from image interpretation and/or intervention. It is not an extension of and therefore does not replace physical examination.

On its own, however, it can provide the clinician with critical, useful and timely information right at the bedside, when and where it matters.

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Our Courses

All AACES courses are designed with this understanding of point of care ultrasound in mind. At each course, we will guide the participants to acquire a clearly defined set of sonographic skills that they can apply readily by the bedside, for image acquisition, optimization, interpretation and intervention.

AACES is proud to participate in the formation of the Asian Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound Network in collaboration with our colleagues from Asia. We look forward to expand our point of care ultrasound applications and curriculum, and provide all an interactive and enriching learning experience at AACES.

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© AACESKhoo Teck Puat Hospital Acute & Emergency Care Centre 90 Yishun central, Singapore 768828
AACES Secretariat (Ms Trixie Liew) (+65) 66022753
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