Basic Sonography Integrated (BaSIC)

Course Description

A predominantly hands-on program specifically designed for healthcare providers who are new to point of care ultrasound. The BASIC (BAsic Sonography Integrated Care) course covers six of the most common diagnostic and procedural-based ultrasound applications in the general ward and emergency setting.

In the diagnostic section, participants will learn how to evaluate for free intraperitoneal / pericardial fluid, pneumothorax (E-FAST) and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). In the procedural section, participants will learn how to use ultrasound to confirm placement of nasogastric tube and urinary catheterization, calculate residual bladder volume and guide peripheral intravenous cannulation in patients with difficult vascular access.

Lectures are delivered in a concise format. The Hands-on Training is the cornerstone of the program. Participants will learn how to perform the diagnostic scans on volunteers and practise ultrasound-guided interventions on mannequins. Attention will be given to maximizing the diagnostic yield for novices. Free stations are included to allow participants to individualize their learning experience and practice on applications of their choice. With a trainer to trainee ratio kept at a maximum of 1:4, participants will have ample opportunities to practise during the hands-on training.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will learn how to use ultrasound to:

  • Evaluate for free intraperitoneal-pericardial fluid
  • Evaluate for pneumothorax
  • Evaluate for abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • Perform peripheral intravenous cannulation
  • Confirm placement of urinary catheter and perform bladder volume calculation
  • Confirm placement of nasogastric tube

Who Should Attend

Nurses and doctors in internal medicine, critical care medicine, emergency medicine, military medicine, community medicine, surgery, trauma and anaesthesia; and paramedic. No prior experience with point of care ultrasound is required.

Course Details


Course Fee:

Doctors (Specialists and Family Physician):
SGD $300

All others:
SGD $250

Click here for more details on Payment Methods

Course Fees are inclusive of GST

ACGME Competency:

This course is designed to meet one or more of the following ACGME competencies:

  • Patient Care

  • Medical Knowledge

  • Practice-Based Learning & Improvement