Specialties & Services

Medical Specialties

Laboratory Medicine

The Department of Laboratory Medicine provides relevant testing and diagnostic services to physicians, healthcare providers, researchers and epidemiologists for the benefit of patients and of the general population of Singapore.

We adhere to high quality standards by conforming to the regulatory requirements set by the Ministry of Health of Singapore as well as the accreditation requirements from the College of American Pathologists (CAP). Aside from CAP, we also subscribe to external quality assurance programmes provided by RANDOX International Assessment Scheme (RIQAS), the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA), Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostics (QCMD) and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) of Singapore.

We have adopted a quality management system which aims to produce accurate, reliable and timely results.  All staff are committed to the culture of quality and share the responsibility for identifying nonconformities or opportunities for improvement to ensure that the laboratory continuously meets the needs of its internal and external customers. We maintain a competent workforce by engaging them in continuous learning.

Our Services

The services offered by the laboratory include Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Immunology, Haematology and Coagulation, Blood Transfusion, Urine and Body Fluids, Special Chemistry, Clinical Microbiology, Anatomic Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics and Point-of-Care testing.

The Anatomic Pathology section offers Cytopathology and Histopathology services. Cytological examination is generally for the cytological detection of malignancy. The Cytology section performs screening of cervico-vaginal samples, as well as, interpretation of non-gynaecological and fine needle aspiration specimens.

Cytopathology Services

  • Liquid-based gynaecological cytology
  • Non-gynaecological cytology for pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, urine, sputum, broncho alveolar lavage (BAL)
  • Fine needle aspiration cytology from various superficial and deep tissues
  • Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) of Fine Needle Aspirate (FNA)
  • Renal Medicine
  • Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
  • Rheumatology

The Histopathology section offers surgical, anatomical and consultative pathology services.

Histopathology Services

  • Routine surgical specimen
  • Routine surgical biopsies
  • Frozen section service
  • Immunohistochemistry

Our scope of services encompass multi-parametric analysis of single cells and formed elements in body fluids and rapid screening test for blood-borne pathogens such as Syphilis and Dengue.

The Blood Bank Section provides safe transfusion services through the implementation of the first completely electronic blood and blood product transfusion workflow in Singapore. This workflow was introduced to:

  • Enhance patient safety
  • Achieve a hassle-free blood and blood products and plasma derivatives requisition and administration process
  • Achieve a seamless integration and flow of information in real time
  • Preserve data integrity and provide audit trails, and to reduce clutter from paper-based workflow

The scope of services include:

  • Blood grouping
  • Rhesus typing
  • Antibody screening
  • Direct Coomb’s Test or Direct Agglutination Test
  • Compatibility testing

The Clinical Chemistry section features a complete suite of automation system from sample processing, analysis and post analysis of samples. This automation plays a big role in the entire sample process work-flow, as hundreds of patients’ samples are received in the laboratory on a daily basis. This also helps the laboratory provide all biochemical test results within a competitive turnaround time in order to meet the needs of our users and customers. We offer a comprehensive menu of routine and non-routine quantitative and semi-quantitative biochemical tests for serum, plasma, urine, CSF and other body fluid specimens for both internal and external clients.

  • Renal panel
  • Liver panel
  • Lipid studies
  • Calcium studies
  • Urine chemistries
  • Cardiac markers
  • Diabetes monitoring
  • Endocrinology
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring
  • Tumour markers
  • Virology and serology

The scope of services include:

  • Blood grouping
  • Rhesus typing
  • Antibody screening
  • Direct Coomb’s Test or Direct Agglutination Test
  • Compatibility testing

We offer a comprehensive scope of haematology and coagulation tests to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of different diseases. The services include full blood count, reticulocyte count, blood film morphology, ESR, blood-borne parasite screening and coagulation assays like PT/INR, APTT, quantitative D-Dimer, fibrinogen, thrombin time, mixing studies and lupus anticoagulant tests. Equipped with state-of-the-art instruments like digital imaging and software-based algorithms, the section delivers fast and accurate results. Haematology consultants are present for training and expert advice for clinical and technical matters.

We perform a range of tests pertinent to the diagnosis of infectious diseases, covering areas such as Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology. Tests performed by this section include bacterial culture, identification and susceptibility testing, Acid Fast Bacilli smear testing (for mycobacteria) and identification of medically important fungal pathogens and parasites.

We offer tests for the detection of infectious agents by molecular methods. The section also offers molecular tests for the monitoring of Hepatitis B and C viral loads and antibiotic resistant genes, and provides diagnostic support to the clinical needs in times of pandemic crisis (e.g. SARS-CoV-2).

The key objective of Point of Care testing is to generate rapid results which is helpful in streamlining the patient diagnostic processes. POC testing enables physicians to make rapid triage and treatment decisions to provide patient with the most effective and efficient care. The devices are readily available for bedside testing providing fast results during critical moments when every second counts. The POC test menu includes:

  • Blood gases and electrolytes
  • Glucose
  • PT/INR
  • Glycated haemoglobin
  • Haemoglobin
  • Urine pregnancy test
  • Urine dipstick
  • Blood ketone
  • Viscoelastic testing
  • Activated clotting time

We offer specialised diagnostic testing which includes thalassaemia screening, myeloma screening, autoimmune disease diagnosis, as well as various virology and serology testing services.

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