I Want To

Apply for Medical Report

Why you need a medical report

A medical report covers a patient’s clinical history, or hospital admission or clinic visit. The doctor will write the report based on medical information available on the patient.

When you make an insurance claim, you may be asked to submit a medical report or Doctor’s Statement (form with set questionnaire provided by the insurance company) as one of the supporting documents.

Most insurance companies and some organisations provide their own medical report form with a set questionnaire. Please check with them before applying for a medical report.

Apply for the following reports by filling in an online form:

Open application form

Type of Report /
Type of ReportDescriptionFee /
Lead Time
Ordinary medical reports

The doctor/therapist will write a report of the patient’s medical condition based on medical information available on the patient. Information may consist of diagnosis, name of procedure and details of the patient’s medical condition or treatment given.

(Insurance form** or type-written report)

101.70Lead time: 6 weeks

(Very Brief information)

Only the following criteria will be accepted:

  1. Certification of diagnosis
  2. Justification of fitness:
    (A) Fit to work
    (B) Fit to drive
    (C) Fit for flight travel
  3. Referrals to:
    (A) KTPH specialists
    (B) Laboratory/Radiology procedures
  4. Memo for purchasing medical devices
  5. Brief medical condition
    (eg. BP reading/height/weight)
10.90Lead time: 6 weeks
Duplication of
  • Inpatient Discharge Summary

For a specific hospital stay

  • Patient Report

For a specific day surgery

  • Visit Summary

For A&E visit and 23hr stay at A&E

No charge

Lead time: 10 days
Duplication of Investigation Results
  • Laboratory Report

Laboratory tests done on blood, urine samples, etc.

  • Radiology Report

Radiological reports such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, etc.

No charge

for third-party request
Lead time: 10 days
Pre-Work Injury Compensation Medical Report**

Information may consist of diagnosis, name of procedure and details of the patient’s medical condition or treatment given.

101.70Lead time: 6 weeks
Work Injury Compensation Initial Assessment Report**

After the patient’s work-related injury has stabilised, the doctor will assess the patient and report on the extent of injury (i.e. % of permanent incapacity).

The report will be sent directly to MOM or the designated Work Injury Compensation Insurer.

101.70Lead time: 3 weeks from final assessment. Final assessment only commences when patient is discharged from clinic followups.
Work Injury Compensation Re-Assessment Report**

To re-determine work-related injuries and degree of disability when the patient objects to the result of the initial assessment.

The report will be sent directly to MOM or the designated Work Injury Compensation Insurer.

101.70Lead time: 3 weeks from the date of specialist appointment for assessment
CPF Medical Certification (RLE-DPS)**

Includes the doctor’s opinion of the patient’s prognosis and disabilities.

101.70Lead time: 6 weeks
CPF HPS Form (W14A)**

Includes the doctor’s opinion of the patient’s prognosis and disabilities.

196.20Lead time: 6 weeks


  1. **Please obtain forms from the insurance companies or relevant organisations.
  2. All Fees are inclusive of 9% GST
  3. The patient is liable for all additional charges should further tests be required for the preparation of the medical report.
  4. The fees do not cover consultation, assessment and tests if the patient is required to attend a medical review at the Psychiatric Clinic.
  5. An administrative charge of one-third of the payment will be imposed if a cancellation request is made while the medical report is being processed.
  6. Cancellation is not allowed if the doctor has already prepared the report.
  7. Our institution reserves the right to offset refund, if any, against amount owed by the patient on bills from the same institution or from Yishun Community Hospital and Admiralty Medical Centre.

Apply for the following reports by email: [email protected]

Type of Report /
Type of ReportDescriptionFee
Reprint of Medical Certificate

Duplicate copy of medical certificate issued by the wards and clinics.

*Available to download from NHG Cares App.
(Go to My Care Plan > Test Results & MC)

13.30Lead time: 1 week
Second Opinion Report

The report is prepared for people who are not our patients but wish to seek a professional opinion from our specialists.

The format and scope are the same as a Specialist Medical Report.

327.00Lead time: 6 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment
Specialist Medical Report

Includes a professional opinion of the patient’s prognosis and disabilities.

It is based on an actual assessment and may involve a review at the Specialist Outpatient Clinic.

196.20Lead time: 6 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment
Brief Medical Report

Disability & Mobility Report - Carpark Label for the Handicapped**

To certify that the patient has physical disabilities that require the use of mobility aids.

44.80Lead time: 6 weeks
Brief Medical Report

Functional Assessment Report**

To assess the patient on the need for assistance in activities of daily living.

44.80Lead time: 6 weeks
Work Injury Compensation Medical Board Report**

To re-determine work-related injuries and degree of disability when the patient objects to the result of the initial assessment. This objection report is done by two doctors who are consultants and above.

The report will be sent directly to the Ministry of Manpower or designated Work Injury Compensation insurers.

381.50Lead time: 3 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment
Forensic Report (Simple or Complex)

Specialised report for legal matters. It is based on an actual assessment and may involve a review at the Psychiatric Clinic. Clinical charges apply.

The type of report – Simple or Complex - will be advised by the psychiatrist upon review of the patient's records.

Lead time: 6 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment
Medico-Legal Medical Report (Simple or Complex)

Includes a professional opinion of the patient's prognosis and disabilities for legal matters. It is based on an actual assessment and may involve a review at the Psychiatric Clinic. Clinical charges apply.

The type of Report – Simple or Complex - will be advised by the psychiatrist upon review of patient's records.

Lead time: 6 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment
Mental Capacity Act Medical Report**

To certify the mental capacity of a patient. For patient who has lost mental capacity to make decisions. An assessment / medical review at the Psychiatric Clinic might be required. Additional clinic fees applies.

549.80Lead time: 6 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment
Permanent Disability Claim Form**

Information may consist of a professional opinion of the patient’s prognosis and disabilities.

196.20Lead time: 6 weeks
Psychiatric Specialist Medical Report (Simple or Complex)

Includes a professional opinion of the patient’s prognosis and disabilities. It is based on an actual assessment and may involve a review at the Psychiatric Clinic.

The type of report – Simple or Complex -- will be advised by the psychiatrist upon review of the patient’s records.

Lead time: 6 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment
Psychiatric Work Injury Compensation Initial Assessment report**

This is for the purpose of determining work-related injuries and the degree and period of disability. The report will be sent directly to the Ministry of Manpower.

*Attachment is compulsory. Please attach your MOM's Initial Assessment form or MOM's request letter for the application.

204.70Lead time: 6 weeks from the date of final assessment appointment


  1. **Please obtain forms from the insurance companies or relevant organisations.
  2. All Fees are inclusive of 9% GST
  3. The patient is liable for all additional charges should further tests be required for the preparation of the medical report.
  4. The fees do not cover consultation, assessment and tests if the patient is required to attend a medical review at the Psychiatric Clinic.
  5. An administrative charge of one-third of the payment will be imposed if a cancellation request is made while the medical report is being processed.
  6. Cancellation is not allowed if the doctor has already prepared the report.
  7. Our institution reserves the right to offset refund, if any, against amount owed by the patient on bills from the same institution or from Yishun Community Hospital and Admiralty Medical Centre.

You may apply for medical reports through one of the following means.

Do note that your application will only be processed upon receipt of the correct fee and supporting documents.

Applying Online

Applying in Person

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

Patient Service Centre

Tower A, Level 1

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Weekend & Public holiday: Closed

Patient Registration Counter at Clinics

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Weekend & Public holiday: Closed

Admiralty Medical Centre

Patient Registration Counter

Kampung Admiralty, Level 3 or 4

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm
Saturday: 8.30am - 11.00am
Sunday & Public holiday: Closed

Applying by Post

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

90 Yishun Central
Singapore 768828

Attn: Medical Records Office

  1. Patient’s signed consent is needed to release his / her medical information.
    Please complete the Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A  (PDF, 247KB).
    For more information, please refer to the section below on Consent & Application Procedure.
  2. Copy of patient’s NRIC / identification document (front and back).
  3. Questionnaire form from insurance company or relevant organisations, if applicable.
  4. Cheque payment is required for requests by mail.

Please write patient’s name, NRIC/ Fin number and contact number on the back of the cheque.

HospitalCross cheque and make payable to
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital Alexandra Health Pte Ltd
Yishun Community Hospital Yishun Community Hospital Pte Ltd
Admiralty Medical Centre Admiralty Medical Centre Pte Ltd

We will process the application once we have received and verified all the required forms, supporting documents and payment.

Type of reportEstimated processing time
Ordinary Medical Report / Form Completion

Require 6 weeks from the date of receiving the completed forms.

It may take longer if:

  • Patient has upcoming clinic appointments
  • Patient is hospitalised
  • Multiple reports are required from several clinical departments
  • Doctor is away on leave
Specialist Medical Report and reports which require the patient to undergo assessment.

Require more processing time as a review at the Specialist Outpatient Clinic may be required.

Require 6 weeks from the date of receiving the completed forms.

Work Injury Compensation Medical Report

May take longer as a review at the Specialist Outpatient Clinic may be required, after the patient has been discharged or given an open date for review

At least 3 weeks from the date of appointment for assessment

The report will be sent directly to the Ministry of Manpower or designated Work Injury Compensation insurers.

Duplication of

  • Discharge Summary
  • Patient Report
  • Visit Summary
  • Investigation Result
  • Medical Certificate

For request by post or email:

  • Duplication of medical reports, results and medical certificates are typically available within one week from the date of completed consent received by the Medical Records Office (MRO).

For application in person at the Patient Service Centre / Patient Registration Counter:

  • You may collect the document on the spot

You may request for a soft copy of Inpatient Discharge Summary here  (SingPass required).

You mayYou need to
By Email

A hard copy of the report will not be provided.

At the time of application:

  • Provide recipient's email address
By Courier Mail

For overseas address, only registered mail will be used. Registered mail charge S$21.80 (incl GST).

For failed courier delivery, recipient is required to collect the medical report or duplicated document at the Patient Service Centre on Saturdays (excluding Public Holidays) between 8.30am and 12.30pm.

Additional charge of $21.80 applies for re-delivery of failed postage.

At the time of application:

  • Provide recipient's name, address and contact number
  • Pay an administrative fee of $21.80 within Singapore only
Authorise a representative to collect the report

Sign the Authorisation Letter (PDF, 91KB).

Provide for our retention a copy of:

  • The representative’s NRIC
  • The applicant’s NRIC or identification document

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), application for medical report can only be made by the patient, with the following EXCEPTIONS:

  • If the patient is
    • under the age of 21 years
    • deceased
    • mentally incapacitated
  • If the report is for Work Injury Compensation, application may be made by the employer. The report will be sent directly to the Ministry of Manpower.
  • If the patient is a foreign worker who has left Singapore, application may be made by the employer. The purpose is solely for insurance claim, to reimburse the medical bills incurred by the patient.
Patient / Application and Consent
Application and Consent
To Provide

Patient is a minor

Under the age of 21 years and NOT

  • an active NS man
  • married
  • widower or widow

Application and consent by:

Patient’s parent or legal guardian

Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A  (PDF, 247KB).

Scanned / photocopy of:

  • Scanned / photocopy of: Patient’s NRIC (front and back)
  • Applicant’s NRIC or identification document (front and back)
  • Relevant verification documents e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate, Letter of Administration as proof of the applicant’s relationship to patient

Patient is deceased

Application and consent by:

Legally appointed representative of the estate:

  • Executor of the deceased’s will, who has been granted probate
  • Person appointed as an administrator of the deceased’s estate by the Singapore court

Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A  (PDF, 247KB).

Scanned / photocopy of:

  • Patient’s death certificate
  • Applicant’s NRIC or identification document (front and back)
  • Relevant verification documents e.g. Grant of Probate, Letter of Administration, other legal documents that certify the applicant as the legally appointed representative

The will itself is not a verification document.

Patient is deceased and has no will, and no person has been appointed as the legally appointed representative of the estate.

Application and consent by:

Deceased’s closest relative (who is living and has the mental capacity to do so).

The closest relative is the elder, or eldest, of two or more such individuals as prioritised below:

  1. Spouse
  2. Child (includes legally adopted child)
  3. Parent
  4. Sibling
  5. Other relation

Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A  (PDF, 247KB).

Scanned / photocopy of:

  • Patient’s death certificate
  • Applicant’s NRIC or identification document (front and back)

Completed Additional Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form B (PDF, 212KB) – for patient who is unable to give consent / deceased.

  • Section A - to be completed by the applicant
  • Section B (if the applicant is not the only living child / parent / sibling) - to be completed by all living children / parents / siblings of the deceased patient (other than the applicant)
  • Scanned / photocopy of relevant verification documents as proof of relationship to the deceased patient (e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate) to be provided by each declarant (i.e. child / parent / sibling)

Patient lacks mental capacity

Application and consent by:

Legally appointed representative, who is a donee of a Lasting Power of Attorney granted by the patient.


Deputy appointed for the patient by the court.

Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A  (PDF, 247KB).

Scanned / photocopy of Letter of Administration, Lasting Power of Attorney, Order of the Court (Appointment of Deputy) as proof of the applicant’s relationship to the patient.

Patient lacks mental capacity and does not have a legally appointed representative.

Application and consent by:

Patient’s main caregiver.

Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A  (PDF, 247KB).

Completed Additional Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form B  (PDF, 212KB) – for patient who is unable to give consent / deceased.

  • Section A - to be completed by the applicant
  • Section B (if the applicant is not the only living child / parent / sibling) - to be completed by all living children / parents / siblings of the deceased patient (other than the applicant)
  • Scanned / photocopy of relevant verification documents as proof of relationship to the deceased patient (e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate) to be provided by each declarant (i.e. child / parent / sibling)

Patient lacks mental capacity

Application and consent by:

Legally appointed representative, who is a donee of a Lasting Power of Attorney granted by the patient.


Deputy appointed for the patient by the court.

Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A (PDF, 247KB).

Scanned / photocopy of Letter of Administration, Lasting Power of Attorney, Order of the Court (Appointment of Deputy) as proof of the applicant’s relationship to the patient.

Patient lacks mental capacity and does not have a legally appointed representative

Application and consent by:

Patient’s main caregiver.

Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A (PDF, 247KB).

Completed Additional Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form B (PDF, 212KB) – for patient who is unable to give consent / deceased.

  • Section A - to be completed by the applicant
  • Section B (if the applicant is not the only living child / parent / sibling) - to be completed by all living children / parents / siblings of the deceased patient (other than the applicant)
  • Scanned / photocopy of relevant verification documents as proof of relationship to the deceased patient (e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate) to be provided by each declarant (i.e. child / parent / sibling)

Patient is a foreign worker who has left Singapore

Application and consent by:


Completed Application & Consent for Release of Medical Information - Form A (PDF, 247KB).

Completed Indemnity Form - Form C (PDF, 83KB) signed by the employer.

Photocopy of MOM’s letter to verify that the patient has left Singapore.

To Contact Medical Records Office

Contact Details
Contact Number
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
Yishun Community Hospital
Admiralty Medical Centre
Tel: 6602 2477
Fax: 6602 3786

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Doctor’s Statement or Attending Physician’s Statement?

This is a medical report set in a form format, provided by an insurance company to be completed by the doctor who attended to the insured person for his/her illness.

If I have been seen by two different doctors in Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, can I request for one consolidated medical report?

The two doctors you had visited were for two different reasons. It is necessary for each doctor to write the medical report based on your medical condition and the treatment given. Hence, you need to request for two separate medical reports.

I have visited the hospital for various reasons. Which medical report should I be requesting?

There is a fee for each report. You are advised to request for the report that is relevant for the purpose of your claim.

Can I use MediSave or MediFund to pay for the medical report?

No. MediSave and MediFund cannot be used.

What supporting document can the hospital provide me for my outpatient visit / hospitalisation claim?

You may request for:

  • Visit Summary - for A&E visit and 23hr stay
  • Referral Letter - in which you are referred to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
  • Inpatient Discharge Summary – for admission
  • Patient Report – for day surgery or endoscopy procedure

Please request for the required document on the day of appointment or discharge.

Can my insurance company request for a copy of my medical records (Inpatient Discharge Summary)?

Yes. The appointed insurance company must submit an official letter with your signed consent and copy of your NRIC, if available.

Why must I pay for a medical report?

The doctor needs to review the patient’s full medical records to prepare the report with the information as required. This is not done during the patient’s outpatient visit or hospital stay. Hence, the outpatient consultation fee or hospitalisation bill does not include the cost of medical reports. The fee levied for providing the medical report covers the hospital’s administrative costs and the doctor’s professional input.

Can I view my own medical record and medication list?

You may access some of your clinical records at the HealthHub portal.

At present, patients may view their records, which include:

  • Immunisations
  • Laboratory test results
  • Screening records
  • Discharge information
  • Vital health tracking
  • Appointment information
  • Medications