For Health Professionals

Medical Education

Medical Education

Educational development at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) covers pre-professional and postgraduate training programmes for Medical, Nursing, Allied Health and Pharmacy. Students and trainees come from both local and overseas institutions.

Our Goals

Improving patient and population health through holistic, high-quality health professional education

Our Objectives

Learning Together

Embracing Change

Aspiring for Excellence

Reflecting on Experiences

Nurturing the Future

Education Director's Message

Health Professional Education (HPE) is key to improving patient care through optimising the training of healthcare service providers. The learning environment needs to evolve to meet the growing demand of complex patient care models. The COVID-19 saga introduced a 'new normal' with social limitations on the teaching-learning activities. Technology-Assisted Learning (TAL) is emerging to be a viable solution to address these contextual issues. It is timely that this e-learning platform be developed to provide a good channel for HPE and for communication to facilitate intra- and inter-professional interactions.