About Us

Alexandra Health Fund

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The Alexandra Health Fund Limited (AHF), a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated on 19 September 2014. The AHF has been approved as an institution of a Public Character (IPC) since 19 November 2014.

ACRA Registration/UEN ID : 201427909W


AHF’s core mission is to enhance health and improve quality of life for our patients in Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Yishun Community Hospital and the community through:

  1. Education, research and innovation
  2. Community collaboration
  3. Financial assistance for those in need

The Alexandra Health Endowment Fund ("AHEF") was established on 1 Feb 2010 to receive contributions and donations which may consist of cash and other donations for the pursuit of medical and health related education, research and development and the promotion, development and provision of medical and health-related services (including patient and / or patient care related services) and devices in Singapore. The Fund has been granted Institution of a Public Charter ("IPC") and registered as a Charity under the Charities Act, Chapter 37 since 17 Jun 2010.

Initial Fund comprised largely of Donation by the Estate of the late Khoo Teck Puat.

AHEF ceased to operate with effect from 1 Jan 2015. A new company, Alexandra Health Fund Limited ("AHF") took over the management of the fund from 1 Jan 2015. This arose mainly due to the change to a Company Limited by Guarantee ("CLG") mandated by the change in accounting regulation for endowment fund entities.

Mr Tan Boon Khai


Mr Sam Kok Weng


Prof Chua Hong Choon


Mr Patrick Tay


Ms Laura Kho


Mr Douglas Foo


Prof Pang Weng Sun


Mr Robert Yap


Ms Han Juat Jong


Ms Lauren Khoo


Prof Chee Yam Cheng


Make a Donation

Donations can be made via the following ways:


PayNow QR code  

UEN: 201427909W

Remarks: DON followed by NRIC


Giving.sg QR code  

Scan the QR code or click the link to donate via Giving.sg


You may also make donations by sending a cheque to us. Please address the cheque to:

Alexandra Health Fund Limited

90 Yishun Central
Singapore 768828

As an IPC, donations to AHF are tax-exempted. Your generous donations, large or small, impact our patients’ lives and go a long way to help them live better.

Do provide Name, NRIC and mailing address for tax exemption receipts.


Programmes for Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Yishun Community Hospital and the community include:

  1. Clinical research programmes directed at patient care improvements.
  2. Innovation funds in support of prototyping innovative ideas in delivery of healthcare, which will help contribute to better patient care in the long run.
  3. Education programmes to build strong professional skills, and enhance overall effectiveness by gathering insights from leading practices internationally to improve delivery of patient care.
  4. Patient care programmes: Leaving Well Fund, Inspiring Diabetes empowerment programe, Glaucoma Community Augmented Review and Empowerment programe, Community health etc.
  5. Patient assistance scheme helps needy patients who require financial assistance with their medical and home care expenses.